Adam Radhi Agaki
Posted on Monday, 30 January 2012 and filed under Adam Radhi Agaki , Team , . You can follow any responses to this entry through theRSS 2.0 . You can leave a response or trackback to this entry from your site

Poetry came to Adam at the age of 14 through a history project in school where he had to write a personal account of a soldier in World War I. Since then writing has always played a significant role in his life. Adam composes poetry almost daily and has worked as a journalist with The Brunei Times for two years.
An endless questioner and philosopher, Adam is drawn to poetry by its raw and emotive nature. Often commending work 'written in blood', he holds that poetic expression is the blueprint of Mankind's nature and offers the signposts to the development of the human psyche through the centuries.
Through his work, Adam hopes to stimulate unconventional questions of self and society in hope to nurture a participatory culture that can speak for itself and defend itself in an era of fragmentation.
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