Allopathic Drugs Motivated by Monetary Gains?
Posted on Sunday, 5 February 2012 and filed under Health , Health: Drugs & Chemicals , Health: General , Silambarasu Karuppiah , . You can follow any responses to this entry through theRSS 2.0 . You can leave a response or trackback to this entry from your site

A pharmaceutical company was recently fined US$3 Billion by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for several offences that include concealing evidences that showed that their top selling anti-diabetic drug may not be safe to use. (The drug causes 43% increased risk of heart attack!) The infamous Mayo Clinic revealed that 90% of scientists whom wrote favourably about the anti-diabetic drug had financial ties with the manufacturer.
Another major pharmaceutical company Pfizer was fined US$2.3 Billion for promoting ‘off-label’ uses (therapeutic use not approved by the FDA) for four of its drugs.
NaturalNews highlighted that many articles regarding the effectiveness of drugs published in medical journals worldwide were not written by the famous scientists and doctors whose names appeared as the authors, but were instead ‘ghost-written’ by scientists employed by pharmaceutical companies.
All these show that the so-called ‘evidence based’ approach has been undermined for mere monetary-making purpose and that this approach ought to be replaced with better ones that are more reliable in terms of transparency.
Pharmaceutical industries are more oriented towards money-making rather than a plain honest intention of curing diseases. These can be seen from the fact that some pharmaceutical giants were caught red handed for unethical actions. For example, Nigerian government sued Pfizer (2nd largest pharmaceutical giant in terms of revenue as of March 2010) for carrying out improper trials for an anti-meningitis drug in 1996 that caused about 50 children to die and others to develop deformities. One source said that Pfizer continued the trials in children despite knowing beforehand of the serious implications.
Also, despite pleas from various activists in AIDS stricken countries to manufacturers, the costs for these drugs remain out of reach for almost all of the patients in the third world countries.
All that have been detailed in the above should make one ponder on the general practice of assuming that the practice of allopathic medicine is safer than Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) systems. Compared to allopathy, the costs of CAM treatments are generally lower and are therefore more accessible to the mass public. In the hands of a qualified CAM physician, a CAM patient may find the treatment procedure more effective and fulfilling.
Author: Silambarasu Karuppiah
Copyright © 2012 Sandhya Maarga Holistic Living Resources
5 Responses for “ Allopathic Drugs Motivated by Monetary Gains?”
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Couldn't agree more.. it is all about the money, always has been!!
Wholesale drug suppliers are also motivated by monetary gains: As in 2009 when the pound sterling was so low in value that drugs normally distributed to UK retail outlets were sold overseas instead. The exchange rate benefited the wholesalers enormously and some vital prescription drugs became unobtainable. Government intervention was required to get people the medications they needed. Maurice
Thanks for the comments, Simple Simon & Maurice!
It is very unfortunate that most companies involved in pharmaceutical business tend to give priority to making huge profits rather than having the noble intention of helping people to overcome diseases.
In order for this to change, the public needs to be aware of these unethical practices so that, they can pressure the relevant parties ( pharmaceutical industries and government) to put an end to it.
Love & Blessings,
Silambarasu Karuppiah
This article really opened my eyes. It is absolutely amazing how the pharmaceutical industries put other people's lives to risk. This is no game, and they should know this!! Every one's life is precious, wherever they come from!
Thanks for the comment, Jennifer Halls!
Hopefully, the pharmaceutical industries will take heed from the Pfizer lawsuit and be ethical for the benefit of mankind.
Love & Blessings,