Kang Pei Pei
Posted on Thursday, 2 February 2012 and filed under Kang Pei Pei , Team , . You can follow any responses to this entry through theRSS 2.0 . You can leave a response or trackback to this entry from your site

Kang Pei Pei, M.Ed (ECE), BBA (Business Administration & International Business)
Sandhya Maarga Diploma in Yoga Student & Instructor-in- Training
Kang Pei Pei, one of Sandhya Maarga's Diploma in Yoga Teaching (UK) students, holds a Bachelor Degree in Business Administration - International Business (UKM) in 2000 and a Master Degree in Early Childhood Education (UM) in 2011. She was invited as a speaker in the 4th National Early Childhood International Council (NECIC) Sibu, 2012 to share her research on Teacher’s Competency in Early identification of Children at Risk for Early Intervention.
She had worked as a Principal in a renowned preschool in Klang Valley for 6 years before leaving the job to become a full-time mother to her 3 children.
She is also the founder of Aifel Crafts Cottage and is currently active in providing training for craft
lovers on the art of Quilling and scrapbooking. She continues to share her passion towards children
especially those with learning disability by conducting continuous dialog with family members.
Currently, she actively volunteers at her children’s primary school library as well as leading a
group of volunteer parents in conducting weekly story telling session for the primary school children.
This is her mission to promote a positive reading habit and the love for books among the primary school children.
In seeking new knowledge, Pei Pei has a deep interest in Yoga, which had led her to take up the Diploma in Yoga Teaching course with Sandhya Maarga to understand Yoga more in-depth. She would like to use Yoga as a form of therapy to help more people, especially children, in overcoming their daily challenges and to maximise their potential.
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