Saral Ushtrasana Pose for Back Problems
Posted on Wednesday, 1 February 2012 and filed under Health , Wong Eileen , Yoga , . You can follow any responses to this entry through theRSS 2.0 . You can leave a response or trackback to this entry from your site

People suffering from knee injury should avoid attempting this Asana.
Note: Please search for "Vajrasana" pose.
1) Assume Vajrasana (the diamond pose) and relax the whole body.
2) Place the left hand on the left heel.
3) Inhale slowly and lift the right arm straight out from the front. Chest goes up till the finger tips point at the sky, while slightly slant backward (Exhale)
4) Again, inhale slowly while raising the buttocks off the legs and push the hips, abdomen and chest forward, as far as possible.
5) Hold the breath and stay in the final position for few seconds.
6) Exhale slowly and return to Vajrasana.
7) Change hands. Perform 4 times each side alternatively.
Notes for Beginners:
Slightly separating the knees, bending the ankles and raising the heels while keeping the feet vertically on the floor with the toes facing inwards will make the pose easier for you.
Edited by Genevieve Tan Shu Thung
Copyright © 2012 Sandhya Maarga Holistic Living Resources
Holistic Living Annex (Volume 1, Issue 1 - FEB 2012 Edn)4 Responses for “ Saral Ushtrasana Pose for Back Problems”
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Is that painful?
I believe the practice of Yoga is stretching to your very best. In short, don't do it if it's not comfortable! This asana does not seem that painful to me. There are more asanas that require waaaay lots of stretching.
A quick question. When we exchange hands, do we then put our right hand on the right heel?
Dear Anonymous,
Yogini is correct when she said that a practitioner should not proceed practicing a pose if he or she is not comfortable with it. For this pose, the force is not entirely supported by the spine, but also the left hand as some force is placed on the left heel.
Audrey, you are also correct. When you practice this pose with the other hand, place your right palm on the right heel.