Wong Eileen
Posted on Thursday, 2 February 2012 and filed under Team , Wong Eileen , . You can follow any responses to this entry through theRSS 2.0 . You can leave a response or trackback to this entry from your site

Wong Eileen, B.QS (Hons), N.D., is a senior Sandhya Maarga Yoga instructor. She is also the Chitta Vajra instructor for the Children's Character Development Programme for the Sandhya Maarga Mission.
She is also one of the first few disciples of Mental Science and the Sandhya Maarga Meditation under the guidance of Master Genevieve Tan Shu Thung.
Born in a traditional Chinese family, Wong's interest in herbs, and the relationship between the breath and the physical body prompted her to further her studies in Alternative Medicine.
A natural health practitioner, Wong proposes that the proper regulation of vital energy within a body is crucial in maintaining good health.
She is also one of the first few disciples of Mental Science and the Sandhya Maarga Meditation under the guidance of Master Genevieve Tan Shu Thung.
Born in a traditional Chinese family, Wong's interest in herbs, and the relationship between the breath and the physical body prompted her to further her studies in Alternative Medicine.
A natural health practitioner, Wong proposes that the proper regulation of vital energy within a body is crucial in maintaining good health.
She was also featured fortnightly on the NTV7 Yoga segment on its popular breakfast show, "Good Morning Tai Tai".
Wong is the Assistant Head Preceptor of the Sandhya Maarga Mission for the Malaysian region.
Wong is the Assistant Head Preceptor of the Sandhya Maarga Mission for the Malaysian region.
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