Posted on Thursday, 15 March 2012 and filed under Genevieve Tan Shu Thung , Personal Development , Success Portal , . You can follow any responses to this entry through theRSS 2.0 . You can leave a response or trackback to this entry from your site

My blunt reply was always, "STOP WISHING! JUST DO IT!"
Their response was always almost the same: "But I can't... I am not like so and so... I don't have the talent / time etc. (whatever it may be, you name it!)"
Instead of harnessing their inner talents and all the resources available out there, they simply choose to dwell on what they think to be the source of their mediocre life. These are merely excuses used to account for their complacency. Saying you wished you were someone else is as good as standing in front of a wishing well, wishing for one million dollars to rain on you!
Face it! You will never be like someone else, at least not entirely! Different people have different likes and dislikes. You may have an inclination towards some interests, which others do not feel the passion for. So find that thing! What makes your heart thump? What is it that really makes you feel complete?
If you want to achieve something, go all the way out to achieve it. Otherwise, don't even say how you "wished" for it to be so, because in reality, you don't! If you are not serious enough to go all the way to achieve something, then you are not really "wishing" deep down for it to materialise. You are just comparing yourself with another individual, feeling that you have fallen short of his / her achievement. You did not really "want" to have that person's life, you are just accustomed to the feeling of self-pity! Be very careful there - this also poses a danger for one to breed the negative qualities of envy and jealousy.
So why all these unnecessary baggage when you can live the life that you really want to? Ask your heart, what is it that you really want to achieve in your life? Write it down, and look at it every day to remind yourself of your goal! Visualise in your mind how your life would be when your goal has already been achieved. And what is more important, don't just sit back and do nothing! Do something every day to bring yourself closer to your goal!
If it is a book that you want to write, do some research to see if other people have written the book already. If you were to write another book that is similar to the others, determine the key areas as to why your book is better than theirs?! If your book is to be 300 pages long, you can complete the book within 1 year if you were to write 1 page per day!
It may be a small step, and it may seem slow, but every step will bring you closer to the Ultimate result! Isn't that better than just sitting around doing things that do not give you the sense of fulfilment of purpose? Taking one step at a time will eventually bring you to the end of the ladder (whichever one you chose to climb), and you will then find another ladder to begin your new adventure. Having done that, you would no longer need to remain in the realm of "wishful thinking" for you would have already achieved what you had wanted to achieve.
So start now! Dream your wildest dreams! Regardless of what others have to say, just do your part, and you will reap exactly what you have sown.
As Within, So Without
Beyond Time, We Are
Excerpts of Lecture delivered by Genevieve Tan Shu Thung
Chennai, INDIA (March 08, 2012)
Copyright © 2012 Sandhya Maarga Holistic Living Resources
Holistic Living Annex (Volume 1, Issue 3 - APR 2012 Edn)
4 Responses for “ STOP WISHING, JUST DO IT!”
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dang!! i wished i was there for the talk. must have been sensational
i'd luv the transcript please genevieve. please send me via e-mail. thxx!
STOP WISHING, JUST DO IT! That really knocked my head. I've wasted enough time!!
That woke me up! Sheeeezzzz all my wishful thinking years!