Vinodhini Naidu Munikrishnayya
Posted on Monday, 30 January 2012 and filed under Team , Team (InAc) , Vinodhini Naidu , . You can follow any responses to this entry through theRSS 2.0 . You can leave a response or trackback to this entry from your site

Sight is one of the important senses, loosing it is like loosing the light in life. Her aim is to prevent people from getting blind from sickness which could have been avoided. As a primary eye-care professional, she is responsible to ensure that children, youths and the elderly do not miss 'seeing' the beauty in their life.
Apart from her professional field, Vinodhini has also a deep interest in traditional Indian music. She plays the Veena during her free time to experience oneness with nature. For her, life is similar to music - everyone has to go through life with different rhythms. The young optometrist to-be always believes that one must strive forward and never give up.
Vinodhini wishes to share her passion in this field by sharing valuable information about eye-healthcare with HLA readers so that they know how to maintain a good vision.
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