I un-Missed My Flight!
Posted on Thursday, 15 October 2015 and filed under Mastermind , Sub:Mastermind , . You can follow any responses to this entry through theRSS 2.0 . You can leave a response or trackback to this entry from your site

The plane waited for nobody. I didn't miss my flight on purpose. I was actually on my headphones and didn't hear the announcement. By the time I discovered that I was late, the plane had already left the departure gate. I was devastated. My ticket was burnt just like that!
I tried to collect myself and used the power of visualization. I did my best to focus that I was on that flight. Who knows? A miracle may happen. Maybe I would not be on the same flight but maybe.. Just maybe, the carrier would put me on the next flight? I was hoping for a miracle, but I had to do more than just hope. I had to have faith.
I started feeling myself walk down the aisle, got to my seat and feel grateful for the comfortable window seat. I was going to be in Sri Lanka just in time for my best friend's wedding! I did it until I was satisfied that the image I had seen in my mind's eye was the truth. Following my short meditation, I approached a staff and told them my predicament at the counter. They were busy with something else and a lady told me: "You're in luck! The plane just turned back. They have a technical issue and is returning to bay. Please return to your gate for boarding!"
What do you say about that? Nothing is impossible! I was hoping for something else, but because I stuck to the image in my mind, I allowed the flight to turnaround for me! That's the power of visualization!
Submitted by Fanny D.
To learn more about the art of Mind-Mastery, read "Sun Tzu's Art of War Unveiled: A Fourth-Dimensional Interpretation to Master Your Mind" written by our Editor-in-Chief.
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